
Showing posts from June, 2024

Top Transportation and Logistics Companies in USA

  Ef ficien t mov ement o f go o ds and c ar g o shipment s is c rucia l to maintaining a country's economy , maki ng the tr anspor t an d lo gi s tics indus t ry an es sen t ia l co mpon e nt . In an online report conducted by Mordor Intelligence, it was found that the Freight and Logistics market size in the USA was approximately $1.27 trillion in 2023 and is estimated to reach $1.33 trillion by the end of 2024 and $1 .67 tr illion by 20 30 , with a CAGR of 3.90% during the forecast period (2024-2030 ).     These sta ts prove that the log istics an d transportation industry has great potential in the future! As the businesses grow, their need for logistics solutions will grow as well. So, we have compiled a list of top logistics companies in the USA just for you.   The Top 5 Logistics Companies in The USA [Updated List 2024]   The United States hosts some of the most extensiv e logistics compan ies that hel p car r iers and trucking busi nesses find do me